In 2022, we added the Frameworks, Code For Dayton and Gem City ML / AI user groups to the family of user groups. Unfortunately, the Frameworks would drop off the roster in 2023.
The New to Web group migrated to New to Tech with it’s new leadership under Matt Alioto.
Our family of user groups (in order of monthly occurrence) for the 2022 season:
Code For Dayton A monthly user group meeting that follows the “hack night” format - a little discussion and show and tell up front, followed by an opportunity to break into groups to work on civic or community oriented projects. |
David Best |
1st Tuesday @6pm. |
New to Tech - A public group that meets twice a month targeted at folks who are just starting to learn about software development, up through those already employed in the industry who are targeting their first promotion. Topics will be presented twice - on the 1st Tuesday of this month then again on the 3rd Tuesday of next month. Topics will be split between software development fundamentals & career guidance and there will be plenty of time for group discussion & live coding. Please bring your laptop! |
Matt Alioto |
1st & 3rd Tuesdays @6pm |
Dayton Web Developers - general topics around being a modern web developer |
Allen May |
1st Wednesdays @6pm |
Dayton Dynamic Languages - Casual discussions and demonstrations that lean towards Ruby/Rails, Python/Django, Scheme, Lisp & Smalltalk |
Catherine Devlin |
2nd Wednesdays @7pm |
Dayton .NET Developers - Helping software developers, technical leads, and managers keep in touch with .NET-related technologies. |
Hanen Alkhafaji |
2nd Thursdays @6pm |
Gem City Game Developers - Exploring all topics around gaming and the gaming industry. We explore design, art, programming, digital and non-digital game topics. |
Brian Turner |
2nd Thursdays @5:30pm |
Frameworks A monthly meeting that explore a balance of both frontend web DESIGN topics & frontend web DEVELOPMENT topics. |
Allen May |
3rd Wednesdays @6pm |
Gem City ML / AI For professionals who are curious about machine learning and meeting with like minded professionals. |
Evelyn J. Boettcher |
3rd Thursdays @6pm |